Are you considering a career outside of academia? The CAP Congress is known as a place for students to practice presentation skills and network with potential employers in a friendly and relaxed setting. This year, the CAP is offering additional professional development opportunities during Congress for graduate students looking to stand out as they enter the job market.
NOTE: Registration for the MITACS networking workshop (general information) and the TQT seminar (targeted to physics students) closed on 2018 May 30 at 12h00 EDT.
The MITACS Workshop, 2 Lunch Sessions, and the Industry Meet and Greet

The 2018 CAP Congress will host a career workshop, a career seminar, and an industrial panel
session to help prime your non-physics skills for a new adventure, as follows:
A three-hour workshop to help you build your network and networking skills, run by MITACS, will be held on the Sunday (June 10) from 1:30-4:30 pm. Anyone registering for this Workshop will be required to complete a 90 minute, online pre-workshop activity, approximately 1 week prior to the Congress. The workshop will then take your initial online learning to the in-person, interactive learning environment on June 10th.
Free PhD to Post-doc Workshop – CANCELLED; hear from TQT representatives at the Tuesday Meet and Mingle Event
Immediately following the MITACS workshop there will be a one-hour seminar aimed at helping interested physics students navigate the transition from PhD to post-doctoral opportunities. This free session is open to all grad students and generously being sponsored by the University of Waterloo’s Transformative Quantum Technologies.
Other training offered to Congress delegates
During the congress week, all delegates (members and non-members) are invited to join us for an informative lunch-and-learn seminar (Non-Academic Physics Careers) on Tuesday to chat with industrial representatives at an informal Industry meet and greet on Tuesday evening, and then to attend a lunch-time industry panel session (Physicists in Industry) on Wednesday. Sign up for all or some of these events as you complete your Congress registration.
Registration –
Registration for the MITACS Workshop and the New PhD to Post-doc Seminar closed at 12h00 EDT on Wednesday, May 30th
If you haven’t yet registered for Congress, then select the New Registration button below to register for the Congress.
We look forward to learning with you in Halifax on June 10-15!