Herzberg and Plenary Speakers 2020


Headshot of Dr. Donna Strickland, 2018 Nobel Prize Winner in Physics.Herzberg Public Lecture Speaker

Mon, June 8 @ 19h30

Dr. Donna Strickland | University of Waterloo
“Generating High-Intensity, Ultra-short Optical Pulses”
With the invention of lasers, the intensity of a light wave was increased by orders of magnitude over what had been achieved with a light bulb or sunlight. This much higher intensity led to new phenomena being observed, such as violet light coming out when red light went into the material. After Gérard Mourou and I developed chirped pulse amplification, also known as CPA, the intensity again increased by more than a factor of 1,000 and it once again made new types of interactions possible between light and matter. We developed a laser that could deliver short pulses of light that knocked the electrons off their atoms. This new understanding of laser-matter interactions, led to the development of new machining techniques that are used in laser eye surgery or micromachining of glass used in cell phones.

Plenary Speakers

Mon, June 8 | 8h45

Avery Broderick | University of Waterloo


Mon, June 8 | 9h30

David Jenkins | University of York


Mon, June 8 | 15h15

CAP Teaching Medal Winner | TBD


Mon, June 8 | 15h45

CAP Lifetime Achievement Medal Winner | TBD


Wed, June 10 | 8h30

Alessandra Lanzara |  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Wed, June 10 | 9h15

CAP Herzberg Medal Winner | TBD


Wed, June 10 | 9h45

CAP Brockhouse Medal Winner | TBD


Wed, June 10 | 16h45

Brian Wilson | University of Toronto

“Cancer and Light: How optical sciences and engineering impact cancer research and patient care”

The multiple interactions of light with biomolecules, cells and tissues enable established and emerging techniques and technologies used in cancer research and patient care.  These approaches range from simple, point-of-care devices to complex, multifunctional platforms combined with complementary non-optical methods, including nanotechnologies, robotics, bioinformatics and machine learning. This seminar will use specific examples from current research to illustrate the biophysical and biological principles underlying the emerging fields of “onco-photonics” or “photo-oncology”.


Thu, June 11 | 8h30

Renée Horton | NASA


Thu, June 11 | 9h15

CAO-TRIUMF Vogt Medal Winner | TBD

Thu, June 11 | 9h45

CAP-INO Medal Winner | TBD

Thu, June 11 | 9h45

CAP-CRM Prize Winner | TBD 

Thu, June 11 | 17h15

Deborah Harris | York University, Fermilab

“Neutrino Interferometry at DUNE”
The fact that neutrinos have mass and oscillate means that we can learn a great deal about them by studying what are effectively interference patterns that arise after neutrinos propagate over hundreds of kilometers.  The DUNE experiment will measure these interference patterns over a broad neutrino energy range after neutrinos have propagated 1300km.  In addition, DUNE will use a detector technology that provides exquisite detail about the interactions that make up the interference pattern.  This talk will present the current state of neutrino oscillation measurements and how the field is preparing for the next big jump in our understanding of neutrinos and the role they play in the universe.