Working together to celebrate 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ)
The International Year of Quantum Science and Technology is a global initiative that aims to strengthen national capacities in the basic sciences and science education. This initiative will highlight the contribution of quantum science to our increased knowledge and understanding of the physical universe, as well as the critical role of quantum science and technology in developing sustainable solutions in energy, education, communications, and human health.
We encourage individuals, organizations, and corporations, particularly those within the quantum technology sector, to participate in this UN-declared year of Quantum Science and Technology and use our website to let everyone know what you are doing.
Interested in becoming an official sponsor of the Canadian activities?
Interested in entering the design competition for IYQ Canada? Deadline is 23h59 ET, Monday January 13, 2025.
Interested in proposing possible content for a special issue of Physics in Canada? Deadline is 23h59 ET, February 28, 2025
- Daria Ahrensmeier, Simon Fraser University (Chair of CAP’s Division of Quantum Information)
- Oliver Stelzer, TRIUMF (CAP’s Director of International Affairs)
Current Task Force Members (listed in alphabetical order by last name)
- Hemish Ahuja, York University (Student Advisory Council rep.)
- Svetlana Barkanova, Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Olivia Di Matteo, UBC/QuantumBC
- John Donohue, University of Waterloo/IQC
- Anna Dyring, University of Toronto
- Francine Ford, Canadian Association of Physicists
- Nir Rotenberg, Queen’s University
- Pamela Fuentes Peralta, University of Toronto
- Shohini Ghose, Wilfrid Laurier University / IUPAP WG QS&T
- Melissa Greene, Université de Sherbrooke/Curieux Quantique
- Ania Harlick, University of Toronto (DPE)
- Thomas Jennewein, Simon Fraser University
- James LeBlanc, Memorial University
- Lindsay LeBlanc, University of Alberta
- Shahpoor Moradi, University of Calgary
- Ben Newling, University of New Brunswick
- Angela Olano, Quantum Industry Canada
- Emily Petroff, Perimeter Institute
- Damian Pope, Perimeter Institute
- Sarah Purdy, University of Saskatchewan
- Nicolás Quesada, Polytechnique Montréal
- Chitra Rangan, University of Windsor
- Fanny Rohrbacher, Science pour tous, QC
- Julien Ross, Dalhousie University
- Carlo Maria Scandolo, University of Calgary (DQI)
- Jaclyn Semple, Yukon University
- Scott Taylor (Let’s Talk Science)
- Dorina Verli (ISED)
- William Whelan, University of Prince Edward Island
Current Geographical Breakdown:
British Columbia – 4
Alberta – 3
Manitoba – 0
Saskatchewan – 1
Ontario – 13
Quebec – 3
New Brunswick – 1
Nova Scotia – 1
PEI – 1
Newfoundland/Labrador – 2
Yukon – 1
Northwest Territories – 0
Nunavut – 0