CAP/DCMMP Brockhouse Medal

EDI Statement. Click to read more.

The purpose of this award is to recognize and encourage significant experimental or theoretical contributions to condensed matter and materials physics. While the main criterion for awarding the Brockhouse medal is the impact of the research accomplishments, preference will be given for recent important advances in condensed matter and materials physics.

The candidate’s research should have been done primarily in Canada or in affiliation with a Canadian university, industry or government laboratory. The medal will be awarded by the Canadian Association of Physicists on the recommendation of a selection committee established by the Division of Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. The medal will normally be awarded to one person but may be shared when several candidates have contributed significantly to the same research accomplishments.

In addition to the medal, the recipient(s) will receive a certificate citing the contributions being recognized by the award. The recipient(s) will also be invited to give a talk at the CAP Congress where the medal will be presented.


Know a worthy candidate for this award?

Click below to go to the medal nomination system. Any questions regarding the nomination process should be sent to

The next medal will be awarded in 2025. Deadline for nominations is TBA.


2024 Winner

Marcel Franz | University of British Columbia

View Previous Winners


Nomination Criteria                                   Nomination Procedure

  • The nominator must be a member of the CAP.
  • The nominee must be a member in good standing of the CAP or a Council-approved Canadian professional science society (see list below) in order to be nominated.
  • The nominee must have spent the major part (i.e. more than one-half) of their working career in Canada or must have made a major contribution to physics after returning to a permanent position in Canada.

Although the CAP’s nomination system currently has an English-only interface, nominations may be submitted in either English or French.  The CAP is committed to ensuring that applications submitted in either official language are treated equitably. Furthermore, the CAP commits to ensuring that those evaluating awards will have a thorough understanding of the impact of bias to take it into account while reviewing nominations.

Council-approved Canadian professional science society

The nominee must belong to one of the following societies to be eligible for the CAP/DCMMP Brockhouse Medal:

  • Canadian Association of Physicists
  • Canadian Astronomical Society
  • Canadian Biophysical Society
  • Canadian Geophysical Union
  • Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  • Canadian Organization for Medical Physicists
  • Canadian Society for Chemistry

Brockhouse Medal Awards Committee

The Committee will be made up of the following individuals:

  1. the past-past chair of DCMMP (who will act as the Chair of the awards committee);
  2. the past chair of DCMMP;
  3. a Canadian condensed matter or materials physicist familiar with the community (e.g. served on an NSERC grant evaluation committee);
  4. a distinguished Canadian, who might be a former medal winner and
  5. a distinguished physicist with an international reputation who is currently working outside Canada (but who might have had a Canadian connection/origin and therefore some familiarity with research in Canada).

Positions (i) and (ii) will normally be for 2 years, while positions (iii)-(v) will normally be for 3 years – initially one of these will be for 1 year, the second for 2 years and the third for 3 years. Individuals in positions (i) through (iv) must be CAP members.

The new chair is responsible for selecting the one new member from one of the categories (iii) to (v) that will need to be found each year.