Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP)

About Us

Nuclear physics is the study of the properties and interactions of nuclei and their constituents. It extends to interdisciplinary studies of nuclear phenomena in the cosmos and to the use of nuclear properties to probe fundamental forces. It includes also the development of detectors, instrumentation, and new technologies in support of these studies. The Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP) has a membership of over 200 nuclear physicists across Canada, and provides a voice for the Canadian nuclear physics community.

Our Mission/Activities

  • assist the advancement, dissemination, and application of knowledge of nuclear physics.
  • Conduct an annual business meeting and sessions at the CAP Congress in June,
  • Provide student awards for oral presentations and posters at CAP Congresses and at WNPPC, as well as an annual Ph.D. Thesis Prize.

DNP External Site

DNP Prizes and Awards

DNP News and Resources

Our Leadership



Liliana Caballero Suarez
University of Guelph


Vice Chair

Greg Christian
Saint Mary’s University


Barry Davids


Past Chair

Michael Gericke
University of Manitoba

