Because of the required support material for applications for the CAP’s professional designation, online applications are not a viable option. Please download the application form (PDF format), print, and complete the application form accordingly, and mail or email the CAP the required documentation and a one page memo explaining why you are seeking certification and how you meet the criteria for certification. When contacting your references, please ask them to complete this reference form (PDF format) and send /email the completed form or a letter which addresses each of the points noted within the reference form.
If the academic background and experience are acceptable, the applicant must apply for and pass the Professional Practice Examination. If a 4th year undergraduate student, a graduate student, or a recently-graduated student who does not yet meet the criteria for exemption* wishes to write the Professional Practice Examination, they should complete a student application form.
* You can be exempted from the Professional Practice Examination if you have practiced physics for at least seven years and provide a detailed description of your professional accomplishments which clearly demonstrate that the PPE is not necessary. The CAP’s PCC will determine whether exemption is warranted. Please download the Exemption Application from the PPE (PDF format), print, and complete the form accordingly, and then mail to the CAP with the required documentation.