Canadian Science Publishing
The Canadian Journal of Physics is again organizing a professional development workshop at the CAP Congress. Here are the details for the workshop this year.
Publishing Processes and Peer Review – hosted by Canadian Journal of Physics
Join the Canadian Journal of Physics for a structured discussion on the publishing industry and the processes and roles involved in a manuscript’s publication. From authorship and submission to author rights and protections post-publication, we’ll discuss how your research is assessed and handled in physics journals across publishers. Best practices for peer review, as an author or a reviewer, will also be presented.
We welcome physicists from all career stages to ask questions, reflect on their publishing experiences, and learn something new! The discussion will be hosted by Journal Development Specialist Jocelyn Sinclair, and Editors-in-Chief of CJP Prof. Marco Merkli (Memorial University of Newfoundland) and Dr. Zahra Yamani (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories).
Physics, Climate change, and the transition to sustainability
Not limited to climate science, topics such as mitigation strategies and the energy transition will also be addressed. This event aims to highlight the essential contribution of the physics community in Canada to this critical issue.
Organizers: Rachel Wortis and Kris Poduska
Open to contributed talks