2025 Abstract Submission

Abstract submission deadline (extended): 2025 March 4th March 14th

Click here to go to 2025 Congress Indico abstract submission site.  NOTE: You will need an Indico account (separate from CAP account) to submit an abstract.   See instructions on how to create an account below.

We are pleased to announce that abstracts for both oral and poster presentations for the 2025 CAP Congress can be submitted using the link above. We are currently planning to hold the Congress in person at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, SK, from June 9-13. Presenters will be expected to attend in person.

This Congress is an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the achievements of physicists in Canada and abroad.

Submit an abstract and share your research. For supervisors, this setting offers a great opportunity to showcase the work of your students.


Oral presentation abstracts submitted by the extended deadline of March 14th, 2025, are given priority consideration for programming.



  1. Abstracts should not exceed 2400 characters, including spaces (~300 words)
  2. Must have an Indico CERN account to submit abstract
  3. To avoid delay in processing your abstract, you MUST select a presentation type (directly below the abstract content box) as well as the track (division or symposium) from the list at the bottom of the page.


Instructions for Creating Indico CERN Account:

We are again using the Indico abstract submission system hosted by CERN, which does not link with the existing CAP membership system nor the abstract submission system used before the 2014 Congress. Therefore, if you don’t already have an Indico CERN account, or didn’t set one up for last year’s Congress, you must create one before you can submit an abstract for the Congress.

To create a new account in Indico so you have access to the 2025 CAP Congress process, follow these steps:

  1. Go to this page, select “Guest access” in the right column, then select “register” and fill out the form on that page. You will receive a verification e-mail. Click on the link in the e-mail to complete the process.
  2. To test your access (and for all future logins), go to the Indico CAP 2025 site and Click Login in the top right corner to access the CERN single sign-on page. IMPORTANT – Do NOT use the “Log in with your CERN account” in the left column. Select “Guest access” in the right column.
  3. Enter your account credentials, and you will be taken back to the Indico 2025 Congress page. Your name should now appear in the login box in the top right corner. That means your account is properly established and you may now submit an abstract, and access your abstract information.