Grouping: CAP News

Message from the President

My year as President of the CAP is winding down, but the pace of the CAP’s activities is most definitely not following suit! You will soon be seeing many of the fruits of our communications labours of recent months, some of which are described elsewhere in this Bulletin. The Congress is taking shape, and we… Read more »

Congratulations to James Fraser (2016 CAP Teaching Medal Winner) on being awarded a 2017 STLHE National 3M Fellowship

The CAP congratulates CAP member Professor James Fraser from the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics, and Astronomy, at Queen’s University who will be presented with a National 3M Fellowship at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) Conferecence in Halifax, in June 2017 (click here to see citation). The STLHE, in partnership… Read more »

CAP Congress deadlines (Upcoming deadlines)

2017 March 15 – Post-deadline Congress abstract submission starts 2017 April 1 – Registration for 2017 CAP Congress opens 2017 April 28 – Deadline for abstract submission to CAM 2017 2017 April 30 – Deadline for early registration for 2017 CAP Congress

CAP Communications Update

As the first step in establishing the foundation for our ongoing strategic communication plan, the CAP is undergoing a rebranding effort to bring a new, exciting face to the organization. The first step in the rebranding initiative was to establish a new look/feel for the organization by standardizing on fonts, colour palette, and a graphic… Read more »

Congress Registration opens April 1st

Registration for the CAP 2017 Congress to be held at Queen’s University, in Kingston from 29 May to 1 June 2017, opens on Saturday, April 1. There are significant savings for members and those who register and pay by midnight (EDT) April 30th. Membership has its benefits! For full members, the registration rate for the… Read more »

Post-Deadline abstracts accepted (207 CAP Congress)

Starting on March 15, the CAP will be accepting post-deadline abstracts for the 2017 Congress at Queen’s University, Kingston (May 28 to June 1). Post-deadline abstracts will be considered on a first-come, first-considered basis so we encourage you to submit your abstract as early as possible to increase your chances of being accepted into the… Read more »

Report from the CAP President

As you will read elsewhere in this Bulletin, there has been quite a lot going on at the CAP office of late. We are of course gearing up for the Congress to be held at Queen’s University between the 29 May and the 2 June 2017, the 2017 CAP Lecture Tour is in full swing,… Read more »

CAP Member Chris Pugh featured in Globe and Mail

Our graduate-student representative Chris Pugh’s research was profiled in the Globe and Mail on Tuesday. The article “Canadians solve key puzzle for future of encryption” chronicles his recent work testing a system for long distance free space quantum communication. For the test he was buckled into a plane with no side door. Chris is a… Read more »

2016 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to US-based researchers David Thouless, Duncan Haldane, and Michael Kosterlitz for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter.

The CAP congratulates David Thouless of the University of Washington, Duncan Haldane of Princeton University, who is also a Distinguished Visiting Research Chair at Perimeter Institute, and J. Michael Kosterlitz of Brown University, recipients of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on exotic states of matter. Kosterlitz and Thouless were the architects… Read more »

CAP members receive Royal Society of Canada honours

2016 Rutherford Memorial Medal in Physics François Légaré Institut national de recherches scientifiques (INRS) François Légaré is internationally recognized for ultrafast molecular imaging, for the development of high-power lasers and their applications, and for tissue imaging with nonlinear optical microscopy. Among his major scientific contributions, he has developed a new laser amplification scheme called Frequency… Read more »