Printed Program – 2017 CAP Congress
The 2017 CAP Congress is quickly coming up, this coming Saturday May 28 until June 2nd at Queen’s University in Kingston.
If you haven’t done so already, follow this link to register for one day sessions today. Please note that full Congress passes have been exhausted, but we would be happy to see you in Kingston next week to enjoy our award winning plenary talks, the annual Herzberg public lecture held by Arthur MacDonald, enjoy the 2015 Nobel Winning exhbit on neutrino oscillations, networking BBQ, and many more activities to not be missed.
The full 2017 CAP Congress e-Program has now been made available online for attendees, speakers, student competitors, and everyone to consult everything you may need to know about the upcoming 2017 CAP Congress.
Click on this link to consult the e-Program of the 2017 CAP Congress. The printed program is available as well and will be arriving to the delegates and speakers mail shortly.