Search Results for: university prize exam

2015 CAP University Prize Exam Results

The 2015 Examination was coordinated by the Department of Physics at the University of Manitoba and was held on February 3rd, 2015. The examination was written by 65 students from 17 universities. Top ten Place – Name, University 1st – Chao Wang, University of Toronto (cash prize + trip to 2015 CAP Congress) 2nd –… Read more »

2016 CAP University Prize Exam Results

The 2016 Examination was coordinated by the Department of Physics at the University of Waterloo and was held on February 2nd, 2016. The examination was written by 77 students from 14 universities/colleges. Top ten Place – Name, University 1st – Simon Axelrod, Queen’s University (cash prize + trip to 2016 CAP Congress) 2nd – Chris… Read more »

Previous CAP University Prize Exams and Results

Below are listed the exams from previous years (current to 1975; those without links are not yet available). Unfortunately solution files are not available; however, we encourage you to work through the problems and consult your physics professor to discuss the solutions. The prize exam results from current to 2014 are also posted here. The… Read more »

Lloyd G. Elliott University Prize Exam

The University Prize exam will not be offered in 2024/25. It will be run again in March 2026 with both an exam for 1st year undergraduates and an exam for undergraduates in their 2nd year or beyond. Plans are under development to offer online or hybrid training sessions once a month beginning in September 2025…. Read more »

Recognitions for University Physics Students

The CAP offers several awards recognizing excellence in physics knowledge and research for undergraduate and graduate students. Click on the links below to find out more. Program Dates and Deadlines Past Winners CAP Best Student Presentation Awards See the CAP Congress Abstract Submission Deadline for the current year See the previous years’ Congress Webpage Lloyd… Read more »

CAP High School/Cegep Prize Exam

The CAP administers High School/Cegep Prize Examinations in the provinces across Canada. ***************************************************************** The 2024 CAP HS Prize Exam will be held on April 10th.  It will be administered in person by high school teachers in local schools.  To register your school as a participant, please contact your provincial coordinator.  ***************************************************************** Results from the 2022… Read more »

Thesis Prize Guidelines and Application

Guidelines Nominations are only considered in the year of submission, unless fewer than 3 theses are submitted, in which case no award will be made and the nominations received for that year will automatically be considered in the following year’s competition. The DTP/WITP P R Wallace Thesis Prize Committee shall be chaired by the DTP… Read more »

CAP High School Prize Exam Coordinators

Any school wishing to participate should contact the coordinator of their area to ensure their school is included on the list to receive the exam. This request must be submitted by the physics teacher and include their name and email address as well as the full name and address of the high school. Exam National… Read more »

CAP High School/Cegep Prize Exam History

The CAP High School Prize examination has been in existence for many years and has been taken by many thousands of students at the end of their high school physics education. Although the prize money has been donated by the CAP in Ottawa, there were originally ten distinct examinations, created and marked provincially. In 1995,… Read more »

DCMMP Prizes and Awards

2020 DCMMP PhD Thesis Award Competition Deadline for entry: February 28, 2020 The Division of Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (DCMMP) of the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) is pleased to announce the Condensed Matter and Materials Physics PhD Thesis award competition. This award competition, which will be held as part of the CAP Annual… Read more »