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Report from the CAP President

As you will read elsewhere in this Bulletin, there has been quite a lot going on at the CAP office of late. We are of course gearing up for the Congress to be held at Queen’s University between the 29 May and the 2 June 2017, the 2017 CAP Lecture Tour is in full swing,… Read more »

CAP Foundation

The CAP Foundation (CAPF) supports the many activities undertaken by the CAP in support of physics education and physics student activities. The fund derives all of its income from Individual and Corporate Member donations. The fund is administered by a Board of Directors appointed by the CAP Board of Directors. Thank you to our generous… Read more »

Departmental Membership

All university and college departments in Canada are invited to apply for Departmental Membership in the CAP. This category of membership ensures that your department receives direct communications from the CAP office regarding events and activities of particular importance to physics departments e.g. nominations for CAP Medals and Awards, the CAP undergraduate lecture tour, Heads… Read more »


The following is a list of the standing committees within the CAP.  Over time, a webpage will be established for each committee identifying the mandate, the list of existing committee members, as well as contact information for CAP members to use if they are interested in getting involved in that committee. Academic Affairs Committee Chair: Chitra… Read more »

Herzberg and Plenary Speakers 2020

  Herzberg Public Lecture Speaker Mon, June 8 @ 19h30 Dr. Donna Strickland | University of Waterloo “Generating High-Intensity, Ultra-short Optical Pulses” With the invention of lasers, the intensity of a light wave was increased by orders of magnitude over what had been achieved with a light bulb or sunlight. This much higher intensity led to new phenomena… Read more »

CAP News Bulletin – February 2019 (#18.1)

In this issue: CAP NEWS Message from the President Introduction to new Staff Member Update on PiC Science Policy Update Update from CAP-NSERC Liaison Committee Call for Nominations Volunteer Opportunities – CAP Board and Advisory Council Positions 2019-2020 Theoretical/Mathematical Physics representative on the CAP-NSERC Liaison Committee Two positions on the Canadian IUPAP Liaison Committee (CNILC) CAP… Read more »

Herzberg and Plenary Speakers 2019

Jump to: Herzberg Public Lecture Speaker – Dr. Manu Prakash Plenary Speaker – Dr. Donna Strickland Plenary Speaker – Prof. Na Ji Plenary Speaker – Dr. Robert Mann Plenary Speaker – Dr. Douglas Bonn Plenary Speaker – Dr. Michael Thewalt Plenary Speaker – Dr. Paul Barclay Plenary Speaker – Dr. Graeme Luke Plenary Speaker –… Read more »

CAP News Bulletin – April 2018 (#17.3)

In this issue: CAP NEWS Message from the President: Take Your Physics Skills to Market CAP Communications Committee Update Division Update CONGRESS UPDATE 2018 CAP Congress Registration  OTHER CONFERENCES AND EVENTS Help us celebrate the International Day of Light Registration is open for the 2018 CUPC – NOTE earlier date (Aug.2018) PARTNER’S CORNER PLASMIONIQUE Inc Canadian Light Source… Read more »

2018 Plenary Speakers

Herzberg Public Speaker, Monday June 11, 19h30 Rebecca Cohn Theatre, Dalhousie Centre for the Arts Prof. Nergis Mavalvala Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) Massachusetts Institute of Technology “The Warped Universe: The One Hundred Year Quest to Discover Einstein’s Gravitational Waves” The recent announcements of the first ever detections of gravitational waves from colliding black holes and… Read more »

Upcoming Dates and Deadlines – December 2017

December 31, 2017:  Nominations due for Young Scientist Prizes in Semiconductor Physics.  More information at January 5, 2018:  Winter Nuclear & Particle Physics Conference Early Registration Deadline.  More information at: January 12, 2018:  Submissions due for NSERC’s “Science Exposed”.  More information at: January 15, 2018:  Nominations due for DTP/WITP Ph.D. Thesis Prize… Read more »