Eric C. Svensson Memorial Scholarship – Eligibility and Criteria

Background and Description:

The Eric C. Svensson Memorial Scholarship is being awarded for the first time in 2021 by the CAP Foundation (CAPF) as a memorial to Eric Svensson, a renowned Canadian neutron scattering Physicist, who also served as President of the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) in 1997-98.

The Scholarship is awarded to a CAP Graduate Student Member who has demonstrated both research excellence and significant service to the physics (CAP) community. The next scholarship will be presented in 2023.

Scholarship Amount:

A $3,000 scholarship is being awarded.

The deadline for the 2023 applications is September 15, 2023. Only CAP Graduate Student members are eligible (see criteria below). Applications can be submitted by logging into member services.

All applicants must:

  • Be a graduate student member in good standing of the CAP.
  • Be an accepted, registered or enrolled full time graduate student studying astronomy, electrical engineering, medical physics, optics, photonics, or physics. (NOTE – the applicant cannot have already submitted their thesis; i.e. started the process for defence of thesis)
  • Have at least one publication in a peer-reviewed journal that is recognized by the awarding society (NOTE – the applicant does not need to be listed as the lead author)  OR  have made at least one conference presentation at a scientific meeting recognized by the awarding society.
  • Demonstrate community service, which may include but is not limited to: leadership in a student association or other student organization at the undergraduate or graduate level.

Application Materials Required for Submission:

  • Description of community service activities (written by applicant).
  • Statement explaining area of research (written by applicant).
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  • Latest university transcripts.
  • Two letters of recommendation. At least one of the letters should be from the applicant’s supervisor and should include a statement confirming the applicant’s status as an accepted, registered or enrolled full time graduate student, the applicant’s anticipated date of defence, as well as a brief description of the applicant’s research program. At least one reference should speak to the applicant’s academic performance. Both references should comment on the applicant’s potential for leadership and/or for making a significant contribution to physics.  NOTE: Letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the CAP Program Manager ( by the application deadline date.

Selection Criteria:

This is a merit-based scholarship. Applicants will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Quality of scholarship documentation written by the applicant
  • Quality of the accepted submission to awarding society’s annual meeting
  • Academic/research performance
  • Community service to the optics or physics community

Application/Selection Process:

  1. Applications are solicited and collected by the awarding society, and are only valid for the scholarship competition year for which they are submitted.
  2. A selection committee of 3-5 members established by the CAP reviews all eligible applications and selects the winner.
  3. The scholarship is normally presented to the winner during the CAP Annual Congress. Winners will receive a certificate and a scholarship cheque issued by the CAP.

Application Deadline:

September 15, 2023