Want to support the efforts of the CAP Foundation outlined below? Click here to DONATE NOW.
A degree in physics leads to numerous careers Meet some “hidden physicists”. Click on photo to watch video interview.
The CAP Foundation (CAPF) supports the many activities undertaken by the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) in support of physics education and physics student activities (see list below). We have also produced a number of resources to help answer “What good is a physics degree?” (see links to posters and videos on this page).
Want to support these efforts? Click here to DONATE NOW.

The CAPF supports a wide range of activities to encourage excellent young physics students across the country, including:
• the annual CAP Lecture Tour, in which outstanding speakers from the CAP membership are supported jointly by the CAP and by host university departments to deliver special physics lectures to undergraduate students at Canadian universities between January and April of each year;
- Awards for top high school physics teachers in five regions across the country, including a research experience opportunity for these teachers through partnerships with CAP institutional members (CLS, SNOLAB, PI, and TRIUMF) and sponsors (Engineers and Geoscientists BC, IPP, PI, and TRIUMF);
- the High School Prize Examination, in which approximately 700 high school students from across Canada compete each year for cash prizes and award certificates at the regional and national levels;
- the Lloyd G. Elliott University Prize Examination, in which approximately 100 students from across Canada compete each year for cash prizes and award certificates;
- the Boris P. Stoicheff Memorial Graduate Scholarship, a joint CAPF/OSAF scholarship in the amount of $3,000 awarded to a graduate student who has demonstrated both research excellence and significant service to the optics (OSAF, odd years) or physics (CAP, even years) community
- the Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference, which is hosted each fall at a Canadian university — the CAPF provides a contribution to travel support for students to attend the conference;
- the Canada-America-Mexico (CAM) Graduate Student Conference, which is held every second year, alternating between Mexico, the US, and Canada — the CAPF provides a contribution to travel support for students to attend the conference;
- the Canada-Wide Science Fair, for which the CAPF provides cash prizes and award certificates.