Grouping: CAP News

Message from the President

The Canadian Association of Physicists is in a time of change.  Under the able leadership of Richard MacKenzie, we have seen significant improvements to the CAP Website and to how we communicate with our members and the community at large.  I trust that you are pleased with the changes, and I would like to thank… Read more »

CAP Member Paul Corkum awarded 2017 Royal Medal From the UK Royal Society

CAP member Paul Corkum of the University of Ottawa has been awarded one of the 2017 Royal Medals given out annually by the Royal Society in the UK to honour researchers who have made exceptional contributions to science. Corkum received the £10,000 Royal Medal for his contributions to laser physics and for his pioneering work in… Read more »

Soft Matter Canada 2017 – Sunday, May 28, 2017 – Kingston

A one-day meeting with a focus on soft matter physics will precede the Annual Congress of the Canadian Association of Physicists. A draft schedule is available at Please join us! There will be a special session for student researchers to present their work to the group. (If you would like to participate in this session,… Read more »

La science canadienne : renforcer les éléments fondamentaux

Le Devoir has just published this Op-Ed titled “La science canadienne : renforcer les éléments fondamentaux”, drafted and signed by past CAP Presidents. Please consult the full article, in French, here: This article was signed by: Melanie Campbell, PPhys, Professor, University of Waterloo; Allan Carswell, Professor Emeritus, York University; President, Carswell Family Foundation Walter F. Davidson,… Read more »

2017 Art of Physics – Winners

The Canadian Association of Physicists launched the first Art of Physics Competition at their 1992 Annual Congress in Windsor, Ontario. The aim of the competition is to stimulate interest, especially among non-scientists, in some of the captivating imagery associated with physics. The challenge is to capture photographically a beautiful or unusual physics phenomenon and explain… Read more »

Upcoming Deadlines

Prize, Scholarship and Award Nominations, and Exam Dates 2017 May 31 – NSERC Synergy awards for innovation 2017 June 30 – APS: James NSERC Steacie Fellowships 2017 July 1 – American Physical Society: large number of prizes for contributions in specific areas Upcoming Events 2017 May 24, Biophysical Society: BSC annual meeting 2017 June 16,… Read more »

Physics in Canada journal

Upcoming issue: Nanoscale Approaches to Biological Systems The second issue of 2017 Physics in Canada journal will be a theme issue on Nanoscale Approaches to Biological Systems. This issue is scheduled to be out to members and subscribers by the end of June. Guest Editors for this issue include John Dutcher (Univ. of Guelph), Nancy… Read more »

CAP Governance

Rebranding – Introducing the CAP new logo The CAP has been working to establish the foundations necessary to execute our new Communications Strategic Plan.  The first step was a visual rebranding which will bring a fresh face to the organization.  We are pleased to announce that the rebranding has been successfully completed with the release of… Read more »

CAP Governance – Communications Update

Printed Program – 2017 CAP Congress The 2017 CAP Congress is quickly coming up, this coming Saturday May 28 until June 2nd at Queen’s University in Kingston. If you haven’t done so already, follow this link to register for one day sessions today. Please note that full Congress passes have been exhausted, but we would… Read more »

CAP Governance – Professional Affairs Report

Professional Affairs Report Professionally Speaking… As discussed in our last column, work on the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program for P.Phys. holders has been progressing.  The draft CPD was brought to the Spring CAP board meeting for endorsement, and it was accepted. A copy of the current version of the proposed CPD can be downloaded here…. Read more »