Grouping: Award News

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences today announced that the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics is being awarded to three scientists for discovering a way to study the world at a level previously thought impossible. The official citation reads: “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in… Read more »

CAP News Bulletin – February 2023 (#19.1)

On behalf of the CAP and the CAP Foundation, we would like to thank you for your support in 2022 and to wish you the very best in 2023.   In this News Bulletin, you will find updates on the following: Greetings from the President Important dates coming up Review of CAP EDI practices 2022… Read more »

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences today announced that the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics is being awarded “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science”, shared equally by: Alain Aspect, Université Paris-Saclay and Ëcole Polytechnique, France John F. Clauser, J.F. Clauser & Assoc., USA and Anton Zellinger, University… Read more »

Meet the first CAP Fellows (FCAP)

First CAP Fellowships Awarded Congratulations to our inaugural Fellows The Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Physicists has initiated a process to establish a Fellowship Program. The CAP Fellowship Program will recognize CAP members who have made important contributions in physics research, in physics teaching, in the advancement of technology, or in service to… Read more »

2021 CAP Medal Recipients Announced

The Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) and its medal partners are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2021 CAP medals. Mark Your Calendars — A series of virtual plenary medal talks to honour the 2021 medal recipients will be organized on Dec. 17 and 20. Once finalized, the detailed talk schedule will be posted… Read more »

Congratulations to Murat Yessenov, this year’s recipient of the Stoicheff Memorial Scholarship

Boris P. Stoicheff Memorial Scholarship Congratulations Murat Yessenov (CREOL, University of Central Florida, USA)! Murat is a Ph.D. student in the optics program, CREOL, at the University of Central Florida. He got his B.Sc. in Physics at Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, where he did undergraduate research in elementary particle physics. Currently, Murat is involved in… Read more »

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences today announced that the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics is being awarded “for groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex physical systems”, with one half jointly to Syukuro Manabe of Princeton University, NJ, USA and Klaus Hasselmann of Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany for the physical modelling… Read more »

Nominate all eligible colleagues for a 2021 CAP medal !

Help recognize and celebrate your colleagues! Do you want to have your colleague(s) recognized and celebrated for their achievements by the national association representing physics? You are invited to nominate all of your eligible colleagues for these prestigious national medals awarded by the CAP and its partners as noted below. We are seeking candidates who represent… Read more »

2020 High School/Cégep Teacher Award Recipients Announced (thank you to our sponsors)

13 November 2020 The CAP is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2020 High School/Cégep Teacher Awards The Canadian Association of Physicists and our award partners highlighted below join members of our physics and high school/cégep teaching communities in congratulating the winners of the 2020 High School/Cégep Teacher Awards. We are very proud of… Read more »

The CAP is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2020 High School/Cégep Teacher Awards

The Canadian Association of Physicists and our award partners highlighted below join members of our physics and high school/cégep teaching communities in congratulating the winners of the 2020 High School/Cégep Teacher Awards.  We are very proud of these exemplary recipients. 2020 CAP Award for Excellence in Teaching High School/CEGEP Physics (Ontario) is awarded to Shawn… Read more »