All university and college departments in Canada are invited to apply for Departmental Membership in the CAP. This category of membership ensures that your department receives direct communications from the CAP office regarding events and activities of particular importance to physics departments e.g. nominations for CAP Medals and Awards, the CAP undergraduate lecture tour, Heads and Chairs meetings at the CAP annual congress, funding opportunities for students made available through the CAP, and so on.
Departmental Membership fees are adjusted to the size and scope of individual departments and their programs. Income from Departmental Memberships is directed toward activities that benefit students and help to raise awareness of Canadian physics and physics departments.
These activities include financial support for
- Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference (CUPC)
- CAP Lecture Tours
- CAP University Prize Examination
- CAP High School Physics Prize Competitions
- Best student paper competition at the CAP Congress
- Careers in Physics web site.
A list of current Departmental Members is posted on this web site and is published from time to time in Physics in Canada.