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Grouping: Science Policy
New report from the CD Howe Institute entitled “From Curiosity to Wealth Creation: How University Research Can Boost Economic Growth”
On June 5, 2013, the C.D. Howe Institute released a report entitled “From Curiosity to Wealth Creation: How University Research can Boost Economic Growth”. Author Peter Howitt says: “Though it may seem paradoxical, the evidence supports the view that the greatest benefit to society will come from scientists for whom practical utility and individual financial… Read more »
Proposed 2013 Federal budget seeks return to balanced budgets
The following is a brief analysis of research highlights from the 2013 budget document. The precise impacts that will arise from the budget may not be known at this time. Throughout the year, CAP will continue to monitor government policy that may affect physics in Canada. The full budget can be found at in English and in… Read more »
CAP submission to House of Commons Finance Committee
Dear CAP member, For the past couple of years, the CAP has submitted a pre-budget consultation brief to the House of Commons Finance Committee (HCFC). This year, ideas must be submitted in an online survey with 5 questions about what specific federal measures are needed to meet the challenges presented by: (1) economic recovery and… Read more »
CAP writes to Prime Minister re Jenkins Report and NRC
(a pdf versoin of this letter can be downloaded using the link at the end of this page) 13 March 2012 The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Canada, Office of the Prime Minister, 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2 Dear Prime Minister: I write to offer the comments of the… Read more »
Proposed 2012 Budget supportive of research in times of fiscal austerity
In light of the significant cuts made to a number of government departments and agencies, the proposed 2012 Canadian federal budget – the first for this majority Conservative government – has a number of positive innovation-related measures. It includes significant new funding for CFI. NSERC’s 2012-13 budget will not change, but $15M is redirected to… Read more »
CAP Brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance (pdf)
As it did in the previous two years, the CAP has submitted a Brief to the House of Commons Finance Committee, in preparation for the 2012 Federal Budget. CAP’s three recommendations are: 1. That the federal government augment the Granting Councils’ budgets by a modest 5%, directed to their programs that support basic research. Cost… Read more »
Speak out for funding for research and post-secondary education in Canada!
The CAP is a member of the Canadian Consortium for Research, a coalition group that works together to promote the need for support research and post-secondary education with politicians and bureaucrats who have these areas in their portfolio. During this election campaign it is important that we, as physicists, engage in the political process. I… Read more »
CAP Quoted in Citizen Regarding NRC Situation
On March 20th, the CAP President, Henry van Driel, and Director of Science Policy, Paul Vincett, spoke to Ottawa Citizen reporter, Tom Spears, about the importance of NRC maintaining basic research capabilities while adopting its more applied research focus. Please find two Ottawa Citizen articles below. Attachment Size Attachment Size March 20th, 2011 – NRC… Read more »
Proposed 2011 Budget Supports Science, Especially Physics. More Remains to be Done.
The proposed Budget (if passed or eventually re-introduced after an election) provides limited but significant additional support for research. Physics and closely-related areas are particularly well supported. Attached is the release put out last night by the Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR). I am particularly pleased that the practice several years ago of directing essentially… Read more »