Grouping: CAP News

CAP Office is moving on July 13, 2015

Effective 2015 July 13, the Canadian Association of Physicists will be moving to the following new location on campus at the University of Ottawa : 555 King Edward Avenue 3rd Floor OTTAWA ON  K1N 7N5 Our phone, fax, and e-mail addresses remain unchanged. The office will, therefore, be closed on Friday, July 10, Monday, July… Read more »

Call for nominations for the DTP/WITP Thesis Prize

In March each year, the Division of Theoretical Physics (DTP) and the Winnipeg Institute for Theoretical Physics (WITP) will award one DTP/WITP thesis prize to a student receiving a PhD degree in Physics with a thesis in theoretical physics in the current or prior calendar year from a Canadian University. To be eligible, both the… Read more »

CAP’s response to the 2014 Industry Canada Consultation Paper “Seizing Canada’s Moment, Moving Forward in Science, Technology, and Innovation”

CAP’s response to the 2014 Industry Canada Consultation Paper “Seizing Canada’s Moment, Moving Forward in Science, Technology, and Innovation” In January, Industry Canada initiated a Science and Technology Consultation process. The consultation paper, entitled “Seizing Canada’s Moment, Moving Forward in Science, Technology, and Innovation”, can be viewed at The first section of the consultation… Read more »

Summary of proposed tri-agency open access policy

NSERC has requested comments about a draft policy that will require researchers holding NSERC grants to make work published in peer-reviewed journals available within 12 months of publication. The CAP Executive discussed the policy at its October 2013 meeting and identified several concerns. To address these concerns and prepare for a CAP response to the… Read more »

2013 CAP-OSAF Stoicheff Scholarship Award recipient announced

On October 24, 2013, during its 97th Annual Meeting, the OSA Foundation announced that the 2013 CAP-OSAF Boris P. Stoicheff Memorial Scholarship was being awarded to Yanhui Zhao of Penn State University. Established in 2011 by the OSAF and the Canadian Association of Physicists Foundation (CAPF), this program pays tribute to Boris P. Stoicheff, an… Read more »

CAP’s response to NSERC’s request for feedback on the Discovery Grants program focuses on three areas of concern

News Bulletin caps-response-nsercs-request-feedback-discovery-grants-program-focuses-three-areas-concern.pdf The CAP has submitted a response to NSERC’s request for feedback on the Discovery Grants program. This response is based in part on the CAP/NSERC survey that was completed by members in May 2012. It is also based on discussions amongst the members of the executive and council of the CAP. The CAP… Read more »

Changes proposed for NSERC Post Graduate Scholarship system

At a recent meeting, the CAP Executive learned of proposed changes to the NSERC Post Graduate Scholarship system that may be of interest to members. These changes are part of the Tri-Council CGS Harmonization Project. You can read more about the project at: One change that has been proposed is that the selection and award… Read more »

CAP continues to step up for its members in the federal public service.

CAP’s response to Feb. 27 Ottawa Citizen article National Research Council chief defends industry-driven direction under Harper government.  See the pdf file attached below. Attachment Size Attachment Size nrc-research-vital-the-citizen-mar2-2013.pdf 70.28 KB

Continuation of the RTI program announced!

In response to community feedback, NSERC has decided to maintain a national competition for the Research Tools and Instruments program. Universities will be able to submit a quota of applications based on the number of NSERC-funded researchers. (See )