Membership Benefits


1. To strengthen lobbying and advocacy efforts surrounding Canadian science policy
By adding your membership to the voice of 1700 of your colleagues, CAP’s influence with policymakers, media, and the public strengthens. CAP leadership and Science Policy Committee members meet regularly with influencers to promote the value of science in Canada and the need for strong, effective science policy.

2. To give physics research a strong voice with NSERC and other funders
As a member you will benefit from the ongoing dialogue established between the CAP and NSERC through the CAP-NSERC Liaison committee. The committee meets regularly to discuss opportunities, challenges, and topics related to NSERC and the community as well as matters that help to inform the Committee on Grants and Scholarship.  CAP also maintains ongoing dialogue with other funders to promote physics research funding.

3. To stay updated on the latest Canadian community and physics news
As a member you will receive regular CAP News Bulletins, CAP News Flashes and are invited to subscribe to CAP social media feeds updating you on the latest news about the association, breakthroughs in physics research, major achievements within the Canadian physics community, and science policy and funding.

4. To stay informed about the latest Canadian physics research and applications
As a member you will have the opportunity to attend the annual CAP Congress and other sponsored CAP events at reduced rates. You will also receive a free subscription to Physics in Canada, the quarterly journal of the Canadian Association of Physicists

5. To take advantage of networking opportunities with Canadian colleagues
As a member, you will be granted exclusive access to the online CAP Membership Directory of over 1700 Canadian physics community members, may join and participate in divisional activities, will receive discounted rates to congresses and conferences, and may serve on CAP committees and advisory boards.

6. To gain P.Phys. accreditation
As a member, you may apply for P.Phys accreditation, the only general professional certification available to Canadian physicists. Phys. demonstrates heightened scientific credentials in physics and promotes physics as a scientific profession.

7. To access professional development opportunities
As a member, you may attend and present papers and participate in sessions at the CAP Congress, present your research as part of the CAP Lecture Tour and at other local CAP sponsored events, and gain access to career information on the CAP website.  You can support and enhance your teaching efforts through curriculum and instructional resources developed by CAP’s Division of Physics Education.

8. To receive professional recognition
As a member, you can be recognized by your colleagues and peers through the CAP Medals and Awards program, recognizing excellence in research, teaching and service in physics within Canada.   In addition, members can nominate students for recognition through the Prizes and Awards Program for Students.

9. To increase enrollments in university physics programs
As a member, academic, and educator, you will benefit from CAP’s efforts to promote and support physics education with high school and CEGEP students and educators across Canada. Programs to increase students’ interest in science and physics, as well as programs to provide physics teaching support for educators, will result in increased numbers of students seeking a physics education in universities and thereby a stronger physics community.

10. To receive discounted rates on other memberships and personal benefits
As a member you can apply for preferred rates for computer hardware as well as home, auto, and life insurance.  CAP members also receive reduced rates for membership in the Chemical Institute of Canada, the Canadian Astronomical Society, the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists, and the Canadian Geophysical Union.

Click here to JOIN the CAP today