Instructions to Authors

The Editorial Board of Physics in Canada welcomes articles from readers suitable for, and understandable to, any practising or student physicist. Review papers and contributions of general interest are particularly welcome. The following types of contributions may be submitted for consideration, where the anticipated length of the contribution (not including figures or references) is specified in brackets:

  • Feature Articles (1500 words)
  • Physics Education Corner (500 words)
  • Physics Education Articles (1500 words)
  • Opinion (1000 words)
  • In Memoria (1000 words)

If the topic warrants it, the Editorial Board is willing to consider articles up to 3000 words in length.

Physics in Canada is a refereed journal, so contributions, even if they are solicited, have to be sent out for review. As a general rule, unsolicited articles are published online within six months of acceptance. Since the first issue of the year is typically a theme issue, unsolicited articles will normally appear in the second issue of the year.

Please see sections below for further information: