Grouping: Science Policy

Science Policy Update

Overview of Meetings with Members of Parliament We’re speaking up for you! Over the next few months, members of the CAP Board are scheduling meetings with over 30 Members of Parliament, including MPs affiliated with the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, and Bloc Québecois. Topics of discussion will include federal budget initiatives, impacts of the recent Innovation… Read more »

Proposed 2017 Federal Budget allocates little new spending for science for the coming year

Introduction The following is a brief analysis of science-related highlights from the proposed 2017 Federal Budget, entitled “Building A Strong Middle Class”. Throughout the year, CAP will continue to monitor government policy that could affect physics in Canada. This brief is intended to capture those highlights most relevant to members of CAP, and does not… Read more »

CAP’s submission to the Panel for Canada’s independent review of federal funding for fundamental science

In Budget 2016, the Canadian Government called for an independent review of national fundamental science funding mechanisms by a panel of experts. This Panel invited comments from researchers, institutions, students and postdocs, facilities, and funders to address issues related to fundamental science in Canada, and received more than 1250 responses. CAP’s submission to the Panel… Read more »

CAP’s submission to Canada’s Innovation Agenda

The Government of Canada and its Innovation Leaders have asked Canadians to provide comments about what will help make our country a global innovation leader. CAP’s submission to Canada’s Innovation Agenda is attached below. Attachment Size Attachment Size capinnovationagenda_2016aug31-submitted.pdf 143.22 KB

Statement of CAP’s Recommendations for Federal Science Funding Priorities, 2015-16

Each year, on behalf of the Canadian physics community, the CAP Board has endeavoured to communicate to the federal government our recommendations for science funding priorities during the upcoming fiscal year. This is normally accomplished by responding to the government’s call for pre-budget planning submissions in the summer, with our CAP recommendations being formulated under… Read more »

Proposed 2015 federal budget eliminates deficit and suggests future increases for science

The following is a brief analysis of science-related highlights from the proposed 2015 Federal Budget. Throughout the year, CAP will continue to monitor government policy that could affect physics in Canada. The full budget can be found at in English and in French. Dr. Kris Poduska Director of Science Policy Canadian Association of… Read more »

Proposed 2014 Federal budget: stable funding to existing programs and new initiatives with potential impacts yet to be seen

The following is a brief analysis of research highlights from the 2014 federal budget document. The precise impacts that will arise from the budget may not be known at this time. Throughout the year, CAP will continue to monitor government policy that may affect physics in Canada. The full budget can be found at in… Read more »