Grouping: CAP News

Graduate Students: professional development opportunities at 2018 CAP Congress

Are you considering a career outside of academia? The CAP Congress is known as a place for students to practice presentation skills and network with potential employers in a friendly and relaxed setting. This year, the CAP is offering additional professional development opportunities during Congress for graduate students looking to stand out as they enter the… Read more »

Congress Update: Plenary Speakers Announced – 2nd Call for Abstracts

This is a friendly reminder the deadline to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the 2018 CAP Congress is February 28th. To be considered for an oral presentation, you must ensure your abstract is submitted by midnight February 28, 2018 PST. We encourage poster submissions as there is limited time available for oral… Read more »

eFlash: Scholarship opportunity for Canadian physics graduate students

Physics graduate students are invited to apply for the 2018 Stoicheff Memorial Graduate Scholarship. Jointly sponsored by the Canadian Association of Physicists Foundation (CAPF) and the Optical Society of America Foundation (OSAF), the award is administered and presented by the CAPF on even years, and the OSAF is responsible on odd years. The scholarship is… Read more »

eFlash: Call for 2018 CAP Congress Abstract Submissions

We are now accepting abstract submissions for contributed oral and poster presentations for the 2018 CAP Congress to be held at Dalhousie University in Halifax, N.S. from June 10 – 15, 2018. Once again, this 5-day Congress will be an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the achievements of physicists in Canada and abroad. Our Herzberg… Read more »

CAP Physics Student Survey – Deadline : November 8, 2017

The CAP has secured a team of professional communications researchers to work on behalf of the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP). They are asking both undergraduate and graduate students across Canada to take part in a short survey. It will only take five minutes of their time. The Association provides information to students like you… Read more »

CAP members appointed Fellows of the American Physical Society

Congratulations to CAP members Peter Grutter, Igor Herbut, Reinger Kruecken and Robert L. Stamps for their recent appointment as fellows of the American Physical Society (APS). Peter Grutter McGill University Citation: For pioneering contributions to scanning probe microscopy for ultra-sensitive force detection, and applications to nano-science. Nominated by: Topical Group on Instrument and Measurement Science… Read more »

News Flash: 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Rainer Weiss, Kip S. Thorne, and Barry C. Barish for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves

(la version française suivra sous peu) The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences today announced that the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded jointly to US-based researchers of the LIGO/Virgo collaborations for “decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves”. The Prize is awarded as one half to Rainer Weiss from… Read more »

3 CAP members appointed to The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

Congratulations to CAP members Catherine Beauchemin, Shohini Ghose, and Darren Grant for their recent appointment to The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists in the Royal Society of Canada. Catherine Beauchemin Department of Physics, Ryerson University Catherine Beauchemin founded the field of virophysics, a branch of biophysics in which the theoretical tools and quantitative rigour of… Read more »

CAP members receive 2017 Royal Society of Canada honours

Congratulations to CAP members Andrew Sachrajda, Barry Sanders, Robert Boily, and Alan G. Steele for their recent appointment as fellows of the Royal Society of Canada. Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division Andrew Sachrajda Security and Disruptive Technologies, National Research Council Andrew Sachrajda, a physicist at the National Research Council of Canada, has made fundamental contributions… Read more »