About Us:
The Division of Applied Physics and Instrumentation (DAPI) seeks to raise the profile of, and focus on, instrumentation and measurement problems common to all areas of physics that use experimental tools. Further, it promotes, along with P.Phys. accreditation, industrial/academic collaborations and the diverse applications of physics knowledge and research in industrial settings.
Our goal is to facilitate collaborations among academic researchers and all professional physicists, engineers and technologists as they relate to applied physics and instrumentation.
The Division of Applied Physics and Instrumentation (DAPI) was created as a new division in January 2018, amalgamating the former Division of Industrial and Applied Physics and the Division of Instrumentation and Measurement Physics.
Our Mission/Activities
- To enhance the advancement, dissemination, and application of physics instrumentation and measurement techniques;
- To promote the application of physics research and knowledge within and beyond academia, thereby facilitating innovations beneficial to society; and
- To conduct an annual business meeting and organize sessions at the annual CAP Congress.
DAPI News and Resources
Our Leadership

Steffon Luoma

Vice Chair

Louis Poirier

Co-Past Chair
Kirk Michaelian
CANMET, Natural Resources Canada

Co-Past Chair
Andreas Mandelis
University of Toronto

