In terms of layout, the following guidelines should be adhered to:
- The article should be no more than 3 or 4 journal pages in length, including all figures and references. This is typically equal 3000 to 4000 words minus approximately 300 words per figure. Figures are normally set at 3.8″ wide with a proportional length appropriate to the figure. This may be altered in instances where the figure can be made smaller or needs to be enlarged to maintain clarity.A typical article would have two to three figures and 2000 to 3000 words, including references. If the topic warrants it, the Editorial Board is willing to consider articles up to six journal pages.
Authors should use a 12pt. font for the draft version.
- The text should begin with:
- The title of the article in bold, with the first initial of each word capitalized. The title should be centered on the page.
- The full name of the author(s) should appear (centered) two lines below the title.
- The author(s)’ name should be followed by a paragraph giving their title, affiliation, and contact information (mailing address, phone, fax, e-mail, website)
- A brief one-sentence summary/abstract of the article comes next
- The introduction and the remainder of the article follow two lines below the summary/abstract. They should be typed in double space format using a 12 pt font. Two spaces should be left between sentences. A person’s initials should be kept together (e.g. A.B. Smith).
- The preferred location of any figures should be clearly indicated within the text of the article by inserting the figure caption for same (in bold font) at the desired location (e.g. Fig x – caption here). The author may include the figures in the text; however, they must also be supplied as separate graphic files in .jpg, .tif, or .pdf format (minimum 300 dpi with fonts embedded) saved with a file name such as “Author-Fig#-IssueDate.jpg” (e.g. Me-Fig1-Sept03.jpg).Colour Figures – $250 for first figure; $50 for each additional figure
- References should appear as superscripted numbers (straight text) in square brackets within the article (e.g. [1]). The text of all references should be included under a ‘References’ section at the end of the article in regular text. Do NOT use your software’s Endnote or footnote features if available. References should appear as follows:for articles:
Authors (initials, last name), Name of Journal (in italics), Volume number (in bold), page numbers, Year of publication (in brackets). If the title of the article is included, it should appear in quotation marks immediately after the name of the author; e.g. J. Arthur, “Article Title”, Journal Title, 29, 3099-3120 (1978).
for books:
Authors (initials, last name), Name of book (in italics), Name of publisher, year of publication; e.g., J. Arthur, Keeping up with Physics, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
- The main sections of the article should appear with bold, capitalized headings. A sub-section would then be bold and have the first-letter of each word in uppercase. A sub-sub-section heading would be in uppercase letters and underlined. Further subsections would be underlined with uppercase first-letter of each word. Thus, four level subheadings would appear as:
Second Level Heading
Fourth Level Heading