TRIUMF – Science Week 2017

The 2020-2025 Five-Year Plan will be shaped in part through broad community consultation. Hosted at TRIUMF, Science Week is scheduled from July 10-14, 2017 and will play a crucial role in this consultative process. Science Week 2017 will consist of topical workshops from Monday through Thursday, followed by the TRIUMF User Group (TUG) Annual General Meeting on Friday.

The workshop series will provide an opportunity to brainstorm plans and ideas for TRIUMF’s scientific activities for the period 2020-2025 and beyond. The local organizing teams will solicit input for the program and reach out to the community in forthcoming communications. Each session will reserve time for discussing both continuing commitments and new directions. Please feel free to contact local organizing teams directly with ideas for their respective workshops.

We are issuing a call for proposals for any and all activities that might involve commitments of TRIUMF resources and expertise during the five years covered by the plan. The submission deadline will be in the late summer or early fall, 2017. The submissions will be reviewed by the Policy and Planning Advisory Committee (PPAC). More information will be forthcoming.

While it is not mandatory to attend Science Week 2017 in order to submit a PPAC proposal, we aim to include all major current activities in the Science Week 2017 program. We encourage new ideas to be presented in this forum for discussion and initial feedback from the community.

The program and all of the details can be accessed on this page:

We invite you to join us at TRIUMF during Science Week 2017 for an open, broad, and in-depth discussion of exciting science and new ideas. We are looking forward to your input during Science Week 2017 and the broader Five-Year Plan development process,

Reiner Kruecken,

Deputy Director, TRIUMF; and

Jens Dilling,

ALD Physical Sciences, TRIUMF