New CAP Resource for High School Students

The CAP, in conjunction with the CAP Foundation, has just mailed out the second in its series of High School Posters, entitled “Spot the Physicist”. This mailing, like its predecessor, aims to reach physics teachers in the over 4000 high schools across Canada and provides the next step in a collaborative effort between the CAP and Physics Educators to encourage students to pursue a physics education.

The posters, along with the professionally produced video series  “Physicists Among Us” (CAP News Bulletin-October 17, 2017 (#16.4)), are designed to illustrate not only the excitement of physics, but also its importance in opening up a wide variety of career options, many of them unexpected. The posters and videos are available on the CAP’s recently enhanced resource web pages:

We encourage you to check out the new web pages, download the posters, watch the videos, and use these resources to help spread the word about the value of physics in the real world. Use these resources to support your next physics outreach event, or forward them to your outreach partners.

Do you know someone with a physics degree who works in an exciting, non-academic career? Both the poster and video series are looking for people to profile in their next installments. Please have possible subjects contact us at


Gabor Kunstatter, P.Phys.