The CAP Foundation has created a series of four videos to communicate the value of a physics education among Canadian youth. This program supports the CAPF’s long-term goal of increasing the number of Canadians who study physics at the post-secondary level. The professionally produced video vignettes spotlight five physics-trained individuals who have translated their physics background into diverse and cool careers. These professionals include:
- Irene Vavasour, MRI Researcher at UBC
- Jeff Vavasour, Video Game Developer with Code Mystics
- Laura-Isabelle Dion-Bertrand, Application Scientist with Photon Etc.
- Ken Iliadis, Accident Reconstruction Expert with MEA Forensic Engineers
- LeeAnn Janissen, Head of Research, East Coast Fund Management
The campaign targets high school teachers across Canada and the CAP-F has been actively promoting these videos to them through a 10-week email and social media campaign that releases one video every two weeks. Our institutional members have also helped with the outreach, sharing the videos with their educator contacts. This campaign piggybacks the “Spot the Physicist” Poster campaign distributed to schools across Canada this past spring. Together, these efforts help to identify, connect with, and develop a relationship with high school and CEGEP educators across Canada and situate the CAP as a helpful resource for physics curriculum planning and execution.
These videos are also an excellent resource for the University classroom to communicate with those obtaining a physics education some of the career opportunities available to them. We encourage CAP academic members to share these videos with their students and colleagues.
The full video campaign is available on the CAP YouTube channel