The CAP has set a target to increase the number of members and affiliates to 2020 by the year 2020. And we need you to help us achieve this goal.
Our current membership campaign is focused on bringing lapsed members back into membership, and recruiting new physicists you may know – young professors, post-docs, grad students – into the Association. To push further forward, we are excited to announce a one-day national membership “blitz” and call on all of our members to help contribute to our goal. Mark Tuesday, November 7 on your calendar and use this opportunity to set aside some time to talk to the people around you who are not CAP members and invite them to join.
Membership is essential to the sustainability of the Association. While larger societies like the APS can rely on other sources of income such as successful journals and large moneymaking conferences, the CAP relies primary on its dues-paying members for revenue. Thus each and every membership / affiliateship is important to us. Your engagement with the Association allows us to continue to successfully lobby Parliament, NSERC and other funding agencies on issues critical to physicists all over Canada, to organize an annual Congress that brings together physicists from all sub disciplines to network and to hear about advances in the broader field of physics, and to liaise with the international standards communities, such as IUPAP. We continue to support students at all levels by running prize examinations, awarding thesis/dissertation and science fair prizes, sponsoring conferences dedicated to both graduate and undergraduate students, and supporting student travel to conferences.
Over the last year we have been working to aggressively add new and valuable content to the list of benefits that CAP members receive:
- We have introduced a membership category for high-school/secondary/CEGEP teachers to more deeply involve them in the affairs of the CAP.
- We have formed a partnership with The Personal Insurance Company to provide discounted home and auto insurance rates to Association members andto expand our insurance programs beyond the life insurance already available to CAP members through ManuLife.
- We have formed a partnership with Dell computers to offer discounted computer packages to members.
- We have launched a brand new website increasing usability and functionality for members to access the latest news and information.
- We are adding student-professional networking sessions to Congress to enhance the student experience.
- We have revised and updated the way you receive information in the CAP News Bulletin and the CAP NewsFlash, and
- We have expanded our (CAPhys) Facebook and Twitter outreach; and more advances in social media and communications are sure to follow.
Feel free to visit the Friends of CAP webpage or ask our CAP Membership Manager, Ms. Chantal Éthève-Meek at, to help you locate your local Friend, who can help you identify your colleagues who or not members of the CAP.
November 7th is the Anniversary of Madame Marie Curie’s birthday, and also the International Day of Medical Physics. Consequently you are encouraged to approach any medical physicist colleagues and let them know of the strong medical physics presence within the CAP, which has a dedicated Division of Physics in Medicine and Biology (DPMB) and a joint membership arrangement between the CAP and the Canadian Organization for Medical Physicists (COMP). As well, any women physicists who are not CAP members would be encouraged to check out the CAP’s efforts to increase the representation and participation of women in physics through our Committee to Encourage Women in Physics, our support of the International Women in Physics Conference, the Women in Physics Canada (WIPC) conference, and the Canadian Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CCUWiP).
Our goal of 2020 members is only possible with a grassroots effort by our membership. We are an Association of physicists, for physicists. We hope you are willing to work with us to tell the great story that the CAP has to tell. We thank you for your efforts, and if you have any comments, thoughts, or suggestions about how to help us accomplish this goal, please feel free to share them with our Membership Manager at or with me at Thank you.
Steven J. Rehse
CAP Director of Member and Affiliate Services