News Flash: CAP statement re Recent presentation by Alessandro Strumia at CERN

LGBTStemThe recent and much-publicized presentation at CERN’s “Workshop on High Energy Physics and Gender” by Alessandro Strumia, a Professor of Physics at the University of Pisa has been a source of much concern for the physics community worldwide.

The Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) joins many other organizations and individuals around the world in condemning his inaccurate and damaging statements regarding the abilities and role of women in physics and his misrepresentation of his talk to workshop organizers.

The CAP is unequivocally dedicated to creating a positive community in Canada, and around the world, that is welcoming and supportive of everyone who wishes to pursue a career in physics or in any other field of science.

We encourage you to read the open statement by Particles for Justice, already signed by several members of the CAP, at for a detailed critique of this incident.

Bruce Gaulin, CAP President
Shohini Ghose, Chair, CAP Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
James Botte, Chair, CAP Committee to Encourage Women in Physics