The 2017 CAP Congress was held May 29-June 2, 2017 at Queen’s University in Kingston Ontario. 521 registrants attended throughout the week to learn about the latest physics research and professional practice, to network, and to be updated on the CAP and latest matters of science policy and funding. The Herzberg Memorial Public Lecture featuring Dr. Art McDonald, co-recipient of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics was one of the many highlights of the Congress. In addition, the CAP and its Divisions recognized excellence in physics research, teaching, service and student presentations through the presentation of Medals and Awards at the well-attended Awards Session at the end of Congress. Our thanks go out to the Local Organizing Committee, chaired by James Stotz and David Hanes, and the more than 60 student volunteers that made the Congress a success.
The 2018 Congress will be held June 11 – June 15, 2018 at Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. The co-chairs of the Local Organizing Committee are Harm Rotermund and Ian Hill. The Program Chair is Bruce Gaulin, CAP Vice-President ( We invite members to contact Bruce if they have suggestions for plenary topics, special sessions, or if they have input on what worked well (and should be maintained) or what could be improved for the 2018 Congress.