CAP’s response to the 2014 Industry Canada Consultation Paper “Seizing Canada’s Moment, Moving Forward in Science, Technology, and Innovation”

CAP’s response to the 2014 Industry Canada Consultation Paper “Seizing Canada’s Moment, Moving Forward in Science, Technology, and Innovation”

In January, Industry Canada initiated a Science and Technology Consultation process. The consultation paper, entitled “Seizing Canada’s Moment, Moving Forward in Science, Technology, and Innovation”, can be viewed at

The first section of the consultation paper (A. Business Innovation) refers to the 2011 report of the Expert Panel on Federal Support to Research and Development (otherwise known as the Jenkins Report). A summary of this report, along with a link to the full report, can be viewed at

The CAP president initially responded to this report with a letter, dated March 13, 2012, to the Prime Minister. It can be viewed at…

The discussion questions raised in section A of the consultation paper are:

  • Building on the advice provided by the Expert Panel on Federal Support for Research and Development, what more can be done to improve business investment in R&D and innovation?
  • What actions could be taken, by the government or others, to enhance the mobilization of knowledge and technology from government laboratories and universities, colleges and polytechnics to the private sector?

The second section of the consultation paper (B. Developing Innovative and Entrepreneurial People) talks about leveraging Canada’s training of highly qualified and skilled individuals using MITACS as an example. The Discussion question is:

  • How can Canada continue to develop, attract and retain the world’s top research talent at our businesses, research institutions, colleges and polytechnics, and universities?

The third section of the consultation paper (C. Excellence in Public and Post-Secondary Research and Development) talks about funding to the granting agencies, the Knowledge Infrastructure Program, and the Indirect Costs program. The discussion questions are: 

  • How might Canada build upon its success as a world leader in discovery-driven research?
  • Is the Government of Canada’s suite of programs appropriately designed to best support research excellence?

CAP’s response to the consultation paper, framed as answers to these discussion questions, is contained in the attached document. This response was submitted to Industry Canada in the first week of February, 2014.

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cap_response_ic_science_innovation_consultation_feb_3_2014_final.pdf 166.31 KB