CAP congratulates CAP members Aashish Clerk, Matt Dobbs, James Fraser, and Karin Hinzer on recent recognition / awards

2015 September 24 
The Canadian Association of Physicists congratulates the following members for their recent recognition / awards:


CLERK, Aashish – Department of Physics, McGill University

Aashish Clerk is a leading theoretical physicist working at the boundary of quantum optics and condensed matter physics. His research on quantum optomechanical systems has led to new ways of thinking about measurement, control and dissipation in these systems, and has influenced countless experiments. Prof. Clerk has also made important original contributions to the study of quantum noise and measurement effects in superconducting circuits and more general quantum electronic systems.

ROYAL SOCIETY 2015 COHORT (College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists) :

DOBBS, Matt – Department of Physics, McGill University

Matt Dobbs is an internationally recognized figure in experimental cosmology. He has developed novel instrumentation that has made possible a new generation of millimetre wavelength and radio telescopes. Prof. Dobbs has led the Canadian contributions to several high profile international projects and has been at the center for the analysis and publication of some of the most important results in cosmology over the last several years.

HINZER, Karin – School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa

Karin Hinzer is an associate professor at the University of Ottawa and the Canada Research Chair in Photonic Nanostructures and Integrated Devices. Her research involves developing new ways to harness the sun’s energy. She has made pioneering contributions to the experimental physics of quantum dots marked by two landmark papers in Science. She is the founder of the SUNLAB, the premier Canadian laboratory for next generation solar devices and systems.

For the full 2015 cohort list, please see


FRASER, James – Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy

The Chancellor A. Charles Baillie Teaching Award recognizes undergraduate, graduate or professional teaching that has had an outstanding influence on the quality of student learning at Queen’s.   The 2015 recipient, James Fraser, takes great pride in finding new and engaging ways to lead his first year physics students to new discoveries. In fact, he describes the “a-ha!” moments his students have as being among the most rewarding things he gets to experience.   For more information, please see