Asia-Pacific Centre for Theoretical Physics and the CAP sign MOU at Congress ceremony

Partnership Agreement to promote cooperation to advance theoretical physics in the Asia Pacific Region

Cosmic Stars

Today, on June 15th 2016, the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) and the Asia-Pacific Centre for Theoretical Physics (APCTP, based in Pohang, South Korea) entered into a cooperation agreement at a signing ceremony during the CAP Congress at the University of Ottawa, Ontario. According to the memorandum of understanding (MOU) the “purpose of [the] Agreement is to promote the cooperation between [the CAP and APCTP] in leading research in theoretical physics, facilitating international collaboration, and contributing to the advancement of physics in the Asia Pacific region.” The agreement’s objectives are to “cooperate in joint research and academic activities in the theoretical physics; educate and train physicists, in particular young scientists; and support all related research activities in theoretical physics.”

The MOU was signed by APCTP President Dr. Bum-Hoon Lee and CAP President Prof. Adam Sarty. Also present representing the CAP’s funding partners were Prof. Richard Sydora (Director, University of Alberta Theoretical Physics Institute), Dr. Jonathan Bagger (Director, TRIUMF), and Dr. Freddy Cachazo (Gluskin Sheff Freeman Dyson Chair, Perimeter Institute). Prof. Manu Paranjape of the University of Montreal was also on hand as the CAP’s official representative to the APCTP.

For more information on the APCTP visit their website

For more information of the CAP’s funding partners, visit:

Perimeter Institute (,

the Theoretical Physics Institute (,

and TRIUMF (

CAP president Adam Sarty (left, seated) and APCTP President Bum-Hoon Lee (right, seated) share a light moment with funding partners (left to right) Dr. Freddy Cachazo (representing the Perimeter Institute), Dr. Jonathan Bagger (Director, TRIUMF), Dr. Richard Sydora (Director, Theoretical Physics Institute, U. of Alberta), and Dr. Manu Paranjape (APCTP liaison for CAP, U. de Montreal) before the MOU signing ceremony during the CAP Congress at the University of Ottawa.
CAP President Dr. Adam Sarty (left) and APCTP President Bum-Hoon Lee (right)  seal the agreement with a handshake after the MOU signing ceremony during the CAP Congress at the University of Ottawa.