The CAP staff are looking forward to seeing you at the 2019 CCUWiP!
We are using this event as an opportunity to engage you in a project that helps both the CAP and your local community while raising the profile/visibility of your physics department. What do we mean?
When the CAP introduced a new brand last year that included an updated logo, a supply of Congress tote bags we had on hand became obsolete. We would like your help in disposing of these bags in a positive and ecologically-friendly manner.
We invite you to make a difference and capture your contribution in a photo for our giving wall to be posted on our website on February 14!
Instructions for the challenge are as follows:
Delegates will be offered a large beige CAP Congress bag filled with your conference registration information, including a keepsake CCUWiP conference bag donated by the CAP. If you accept/keep the beige bag, you are accepting our challenge to take that bag home and have your physics department (or friends/family) fill it to capacity with items that can be used by a local charity of your choosing (e.g. food banks, homeless shelters).
Take a group photo with the filled CAP bag (or bags if multiple bags are filled within the same department), either at the location where the bag(s) were filled or at the charity drop-off location. We would also ask that you prepare and include a sign that says “Physics students at the [name of university] proudly participated in the CAP Charity Challenge by supporting xxxxx”. The CAP logo can be included on your sign by downloading it from the link below.
Post your photo to social media with the hashtag #CAPChallenge and make sure to tag us on Facebook or Twitter so we see it (@CAPhys, @CCUWIP2019). To initiate the challenge, we will post a group photo at CCUWiP where delegates who plan to participate are holding their tote bags. We will use the photos posted in social media – or any submitted directly to comms@cap.ca – by FRIDAY FEBRUARY 4TH to create a “Wall of Giving” that will be posted on our website on February 14th.