(ce message est disponible en anglais seulement. On invite des commentaires en anglais ou français.)
2012 October 1
The CAP is soliciting input from its members concerning the recent Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) report on Science Performance and Research Funding. This report was requested by the federal Minister of Industry on behalf of NSERC to help guide future funding reallocations for the Discovery Grant Program at NSERC. You can access the full report and the associated appendices on the CCA Science Advice website:
English –
French –
The CAP-NSERC Liaison Committee is continuing to prepare its formal submission to NSERC in response to this report, and your input would be greatly appreciated.
Please send your comments to cap [at] uottawa [dot] ca?subject=Input%20re%20CCA%20report%20on%20Science%20Performance%20and%20Research%20Funding&body=Dr.%20Dutcher%2C%20%0A%0AHere%20is%20my%20input%20on%20the%20above-noted%20matter.”>cap@uottawa.ca no later than 2012 November 9.