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Canadian Association of Physics Careers and Jobs - What is physics?

Undergrad Jessica Crandall uses a simple digital multimeter to test the wires in a high energy physics detector for electrical continuity. The detector will be part of an experiment called ZEUS at HERA, a particle accelerator in Germany.

What is physics?

Physics is the most fundamental natural science.

Physicists want to really understand how the world works, in every detail and at the deepest level. This includes everything from elementary particles, to nuclei, atoms, molecules, macromolecules, living cells, solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, living organisms, the human brain, complex systems, supercomputers, the atmosphere, planets, stars, galaxies, and the universe itself.

Physicists study questions facing today's science and technology and are at the forefront of solutions for instrumentation, measurement techniques, and model development in many areas including :

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lasers and optics (telecommunications, optometry, holography, etc.)

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environmental science(weather, oceanography, pollution control, etc.)

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medicine (medical imaging, radiation treatment, lasers)

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space science (mission specialists, satellite design, etc.)

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acoustics (speaker research, hall design, etc.)

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electricity and magnetism (power management, antenna design, instrumentation, etc.)

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nuclear science (reactor design, waste management, etc.).

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materials science (semiconductor devices, magnetic thin films, superconductivity, computer technologies, biomaterials etc.)

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