Doug Burbidge
| Director of Product Development for Switches and Controllable Components Fiber Optic Products Group, JDS Uniphase
 April Butler
| Physics Teacher, West Kings District High School |
 Marie D'Iorio
| Group leader, Advanced Materials,
Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council of Canada and Adjunct Professor, University of Ottawa |
 Dan Falk | Science Writer
 David Farmer | Senior
Scientist, Institute of Ocean Sciences
 David Hanna
| Physics Professor, McGill University
 Ted Hsu
| Principal Portfolio Trading Desk Head, Japan Institutional Equities Division, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
 Ken Iliadis
| Forensic Physicist, Hastings Boulding Correia
 Elaine Lau
| Web Developer and Creative Director, o2 Group
 Calum MacAulay
| Head, Cancer Imaging Department, British Columbia Cancer Agency and Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC